Monday, September 19, 2011

Workouts with Kristen

So my friend Kristen wants to do similar workouts as me, but not together or at the same time. In particular, she wants to try the Couch to 5K program (or C25K for short). This involves 30 minutes, 3 days a week of running for 9 weeks. At the end of the 9 weeks, you have built up your stamina to the point where you are able to run a 5k. I want to say I can already run at least half if not all of a 5k comfortably, but this will still be good exercise. So, I'm going to try to kick it up a notch - but hopefully not to the point of P90X, which always seems to be impossible to keep up with after 3 weeks due to sleep deprivation or shit hitting the fan at work. AM workouts would be before work, PM workouts would be immediately after work. Here's what I ultimately want to be able to do:

Mondays: AM - 20 minutes AM yoga from DVD
PM - 30 minutes C25K workout 1/3

Tuesdays: AM - 20 minutes Ab Ripper X (via P90X)
PM - 30 minutes weight machine routine

AM - 20 minutes AM yoga from DVD
PM - 30 minutes C25K workout 2/3

Thursdays: AM - 20 minutes Ab Ripper X (via P90X)
PM - 30 minutes weight machine routine

Fridays: AM - 20 minutes AM yoga from DVD
PM - 30 minutes C25K workout 3/3

Saturdays: Make up day / Not sure yet.

Sundays: Rest.

I will try to continue the pseudo low carb diet I've been doing for the last 3 months as well. I need to stop eating so much fake sugar. That means I need to stop drinking diet pop. We'll see how this goes. This week, I want to at least start the C25k program and get the weight machine set up.

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