Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Car, Money, and the Future

IT'S TIME FOR A CAR FROM THIS CENTURY. I put in an order for a new car. I'm (hopefully) getting a 2012 Subaru Impreza 5 door with some pretty nice bells and whistles. This comes to about $24,500 before tax and licensing. I'm probably going to have a car payment of about $350-$400 a month, depending on interest rate. But, I'll have a dependable car for the next 5+ years. And, I'll be getting significantly better gas mileage and I will have AWD.

My car will look something like this:

All this talking about car stuff got me thinking about house stuff too. So, I've been talking to my good friend Swap about houses, as he just bought one. He pointed me to this site. It helps you calculate how much house you can afford. Time to start saving for a downpayment and looking into areas I might want to live. I think that in the next 1-3 years may be a good time to get something, especially if interest rates stay so low.

The future is exciting.

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