Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Why a low-carb diet is perfect for me

I've been struggling with serious digestive issues for about three years. (If you asked my mother, she'd say I've been fighting with them my entire life: stomach aches, heart burn, etc.) At the age of 23, I had a colonoscopy and upper GI. They diagnosed me with lymphocytic colitis, told me I did not have celiac, gave me a prescription for steroids and sent me on my way. (I had previously been trying a gluten free diet, which seemed to work, but they said it wasn't the issue.) The steroids made my life a living hell for a few weeks (I assume this was some sort of allergic reaction) and I gave up. I fought with stomach aches off and on for another year, before trying a low carb diet with Moose in May. I felt great. It was during a planned cheat weekend that I realized gluten really is the culprit here, and have been pursuing a completely gluten free diet since then. In addition to gluten intolerance, I also have mild allergic reactions to most fruit (tree fruits) and raw nuts.

Considering that I cannot eat fruit and grain, a low carb diet is perfect for me. What am I really giving up that I haven't already? Rice. Potatoes. Sugar. Things that you probably shouldn't be eating on a normal diet anyway. I feel so much better not eating gluten. My awful acne has mostly cleared up. I have more energy. I don't have constant stomach aches. I am not constantly hungry. Plus, I have lost about 25 pounds doing this low carb diet, which is about 10 pounds shy of the weight I gained when I started having these stomach issues. One thing is for sure, I need to make this a permanent thing. Even if my gluten intolerance hasn't been diagnosed, it doesn't matter. This is how I want to feel.

(blah blah blah)

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