Thursday, December 27, 2012

2013 Resolutions/Goals

Things I'd like to do in the next year...

1. Cut down on pop & artificial sugar consumption. I'm thinking I need to limit myself to 24oz a day. So, 2 12oz. cans or 1 20 oz. bottle. THIS INCLUDES ENERGY DRINKS.

2. Come up with and stick to a manageable budget. I always come up with stupidly unattainable goals for a budget then I fail spectacularly and spend several months catching up. I need to come up with something better.

3. Go to the gym 12 times per month. We have the membership now. We should use it. We'll see how crazy it is around the new year, but

4. Stop making excuses about allergies. I allow myself to eat potato chips and tomatoes occasionally. I don't check information when I eat out. I don't want to do this. I'm tired of being sick. This leads into #5.

5. Get back on a keto/paleo/low-carb diet. I feel better, I can maybe lose a little more weight. If only Moose would join me, it would be easy!

6. Get into art and music more. I intended to do something spectacular this year with music, but the goals were a little too lofty. I want to actually develop my hobbies instead of just think about what I would do if I had the time. Sundays have already morphed into cleaning days around our house, so maybe I can find time then.

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