Thursday, August 18, 2011

Moving, New House Blues

I know Moose is about the only person that reads this blog (hi honey), but I'm going to try to type this stuff out so I can make sense of it myself.

So, Moose and I have started the process of moving into our new house. It is a fairly modest 2 bedroom, 1 and a half bathroom house near the crappiest neighborhood in Minneapolis, Northside. It is also near the areas hardest hit by the tornado that ripped its way through Minneapolis on May 22nd, 2011. So, it's kind of hard to tell what the surrounding neighborhoods really looked like. Our house pulled through that disaster with a broken window, and nothing else. But that's not the point...

Everything about moving has been a disagreement between me and Moose. When to move, what to move, what to do with the rooms, etc. I'm not sure why. There are only so many options for a 2 bedroom house. I don't think I'm just trying to be contrary, but maybe I am. I feel like this is a good opportunity to make our house nice. Now, don't get me wrong, our place in SLP is nice. But it's always a mess. Piles of crap, everywhere. I am as guilty of it as Moose is, and I really don't like it. I want to get our new place set up and personalized with posters, knicknacks, etc, and put the rest of the things we want to keep in bins in the basement. We can then work on getting rid of everything else. I'm tired of being so sentimental about my belongings. I'm tired of having so much shit I never use. It's stressful. In order for me to want to stay at this house for more than one year, I need this. I need to feel settled and cozy. Maybe it stems from the fact that my mother is leaving. I won't have a home. I need a place that feels more permanent and less like a scattered mess. Or, maybe it stems from the fact that we are "adults" now. Another thing stuck in my mind is when we cleaned our current place in order to have the landlord show it. One of our friends came over and said "Hey, your place looks less messy." Which, in itself is true, but makes me feel like everyone thought it was incredibly messy before. It was. What do people think about us because of that?

This is bad. I'm hoping I don't go all "female" on Moose and be like "WE NEED THIS COLOR CURTAINS AND THIS COLOR RUG AND WE CAN PUT THESE THINGS IN THIS ROOM OR ELSE!" In some ways, I feel like Moose feels the same way, though. I think he's tired of all the bins of stuff we never use. At this place, at least they can be put in the basement and not thought of for a while. It'll make the living spaces feel less cluttered. But, we still need to get rid of things. We didn't get rid of much STUFF when we had the dumpster, only furniture.

Oh well, I need to focus on getting MOVED first. We'll have plenty of time to get things situated. Living in the chaos of unpacking is not fun. Then again, neither is moving.

And on top of all that... hopefully we don't get mugged or robbed or raped or killed. YAY MINNEAPOLIS.

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