Monday, August 22, 2011

New House, New Problems

We moved on Saturday into our new house. We've acknowledged (pretty much from the beginning) that the new place is in a shady neighborhood. We weren't worried because the house is nice, the houses nearby are nice, and the house has a security system installed that we can have activated if we want. We also have renters insurance.

Me, being who I am, have signed up for weekly crime statistics emails for the 4th precinct of Minneapolis. Totals for 8/14-8/20: 1 homicide, 0 rapes, 2 robberies, 5 aggravated assaults, 4 burglaries, 1 act of larceny, 0 auto thefts, and 2 acts of arson. This is just in our "neighborhood," one of five in the 4th precinct. None of the other neighborhoods are nearly as bad. W00!

Well, there's not much I can do about it. The landlord says she and her tenants have never had any issues when they've lived here in the past. It sounds like that's a history of at least 5-6 years. Hopefully, we can have similar luck. Cross your fingers for me... for the next year. :/

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