Saturday, January 31, 2009

On the name of my blog

I'm going to come out and say it, my name is Adriana. That's right, this blog has the name of Adrianalog and it's written by someone named Adriana.

Why isn't it AdrianaBLOG then, you might ask?

Well, Adrianalog is something I spent a lot of time thinking about. Here's why it is the name of this blog...

  1. My name is Adriana.
  2. Blog is nothing but the juxtaposition of Web and Log with the WE taken off of it... so why not use Log?
  3. By using "log" instead of "blog," a new word forms in the blog name: Analog. Imagine that, it's even said correctly with the say you say my name!
  4. The name of my blog can be read two ways: Adriana-log or A-Dri-Analog
  5. My nickname is Dri.
See, I have my reasons.

My next blog will be more interesting, I promise.

Friday, January 30, 2009

A New Blog, A New Adventure

Today is Friday, January 30th, 2009. It is 11:53am CST. I am writing a blog.

I have kept many blogs over the years on various sites. Most of them erased with the sands of the internet. (After all, what is the internet but a large etch-a-sketch with way too many knobs?) In fact, I had a blog on this very website 3 years ago. It is probably gone because of the google takeover. So it goes.

I will mostly use this blog to keep track of the happenings of my life. There have been a number of radical (and, yes also rad) changes in my life since September 08.

  • I started grad school at the University of Minnesota. I have joined a lab group that studies digital logic synthesis and synthetic biology (think: computing with biochemical reactions). I have enjoyed this new work and I look forward to possibly completing my Ph.D. in the next five years. Only time will tell.
  • I ended a long-term relationship. I am single for the first time since starting college. This is very confusing for me, but on the other hand, my life has been new and exciting. I am also very happy with myself, my new friends, and my new life.
  • I came back to Minneapolis after spending a long summer with my parents. There were a number of reasons I left the city that has been my home for four years for the one that was my home for eighteen. I may write blogs about this later. For now, let's just say it was an eye opening experience that sparked lots of the recent changes in my life.
With these three major changes in my life, I have transformed. I'd like to say I became roach, but that metaphor doesn't quite work in this situation. I'd like to say I'm a butterfly or something poetic like that, but I'm not quite so eloquent. Let's just say I opened my eyes for the first time in years.

With this blog, I will keep track of my "new" life and hopefully remember all of the lessons I have learned during past twenty two years. Additionally, I will keep track of the new lessons I learn along the way.