Friday, May 29, 2009

Passion Pit - Sleepy Head

I keep hearing this song on the radio. I like it. The video is kinda cool too.

And everything is going to the beat
And everything is going to the beat
And everything is going –

And you said
It was like fire around the brim
Burning solid,
Burning thin the burning rim
Like stars burning holes right through the dark
You gave fire like saltwater into my eyes
You were an inch from the edge of this bed
I drive you back a sleepyhead, sleepyhead

They couldn't think of something to say the day you burst
With all their lions and all their might and all their thirst
They crowd your bedroom like some thoughts wearing thin
Against the walls, against your rules, against your skin
My beard grew down to the floor and out through the doors
Of your eyes, begonia skies like a sleepyhead, sleepyhead

Go ahead


It is now the end of May. School ended almost two weeks ago. I've still not found a job and I'm feeling that if I don't find one soon, I'll be stuck looking for a McJob or something of that nature to get me through the summer months.

Today, I have my third interview with a company. I've had a phone interview, a get-to-know-you interview, and today I'm meeting with engineers. I'm not feeling very good about it. I know this is a technical interview. I also know that I haven't thought much about electrical design since I graduated a year ago. Hopefully things will go well for me. I should still have the ability to tap my reserve of EE knowledge, but I don't know if I can be specific enough for this interview.

I also need to learn to be better with my money. My mom said to me yesterday "If you have extra money, you tend to go out and spend it." This is true. I'm horrible about knowing something could be used around the house and just going out and buying it. Yesterday, for instance. My mother paid for a month of my car insurance and said "Go out and buy a lawnmower or weed whacker." So I did. I also purchased grass seed and a hose... and a cat hair trimmer and a log holder. Then I went to the grocery store and bought pop and beans. Whoops. We do *need* a hose, etc. but I probably didn't need to buy it right now.

I'm not going to get paid as well as I have in the past at the job I am interviewing for today. Hopefully I can be a good girl and get some money reserves built up again. Either that or finally fix/pay off my car.

Oh the life of an adult.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

End of semester, start of summer vacation

So, I haven't written a blog post in quite a while... so I figured I'm due for a big one.

I finished my math exam at 10am on Monday May 18th, after not having slept for more than 8 hours (total) in three days. It paid off. I got a B in my math class, and managed to pull of the coveted 3.3 GPA required to get out of academic probation! *pats self on back*

After sleeping for the rest of the day, Tuesday brought me an interview at a company that makes rapid prototyping machines. Hopefully I hear back from them soon. I could really use a job.

Wednesday brought me a hair cut. 10 inches. Donated. Free haircut. I look funny with short hair, but that's a-okay. It'll be very nice for the summar.

Played lots of DnD and SWSE last week as well. I'm really starting to get the hang of the whole role playing thing. I think I might buy myself a 3.5 DMG and read through it. Then I can begin to have some of the knowledge my new friends and boyfriend seem to be able to conjure up at a seconds notice. I need to nerd out.

On Friday, Moose and I went camping with Midget and Co. near Birchwood Wisconsin (the bluegill capitol of wisconsin... just in case you were wondering). A weekend filled with campfires, boating, some drinking, and lots of hookah smoking. It was very enjoyable and I thank Midget's family for their hospitality. Other than my small bout of stomach flu sunday evening, I had a great time!

It's now the end of another Tuesday in May. I'm sitting alone in my house waiting for my sister and her friends to arrive back from Duluth. I'll most likely be heading there tomorrow. I haven't been to Duluth since spring break... over 2 months. Maybe that means I'll enjoy it this time.

I'll keep the blogosphere posted regarding my job hunt. Anyone need an electrical engineering intern?! :-p

Wilco - You Never Know

I keep hearing this song on The Current and finally figured out what it was. Sounds a lot like the Beatles to me. More specifically, George.


I'll write an update later.

Come on children
You're acting like children
Every generation thinks
its the end of the world

And all ya fat followers
Get fit fast
Every generation thinks it's the last
thinks its the end of the world

Yes dream down a well
There's a lone heavy hell
I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore
It's a feeling we transcend
We're here at the end
I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore
You never know

Come on kids
You're acting like children
Act your age
Put back the black metals and pearls
All ya sword-swallowers pull yourselves together
Every generation thinks its the worst
Thinks it's the end of the world

It's a secret I can't tell
There's a wish down a well
I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore
It's a long heavy hell
Super-size it by 10
I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore
You never know
You never know

It's a dear to transcend
Everyone here, at the end

I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore
You never know

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Stop underestimating work

I need to stop underestimating the time it will take to get my work done.

I have approximately 32 hours to finish my math exam.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cold marble on a hot spring afternoon

I'm currently sitting on the floor of Walter Library.
I love this building... the ornate wonderfully crafted ceilings and pillars and floors... I know it was built with the cheap labor of the nineteen thirties, but I'd like to think that it was built with love.
After today, I love this building even more. It is building number 042.

It's even more fun to sit on the floor of Walter when you're eating a salted nut roll and have your hair up in a ridiculous bun. (MY BOYFRIEND MADE ME DO IT!)

The marble feels good after playing two games of bowling and two games of air hockey with Moose. His supreme fro (complete with headband making the top portion stick up even further) won over my top/side bun 3/4 times. Spending time with Moose is always fun.

Now I'm waiting for a meeting to start. Ugh.

At least I'm getting some interesting stares.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

That's your life

You can work on a class project and not like it. But your thesis, that's your life.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Weekend Bluez

I had another amazingly busy weekend. After a wonderful late night on Thursday (complete with Star Wars role play, X-Men Origins: Wolverine showing, and White Castle) I got up early to work on a project on Friday. After my meeting, Moose and I decided to go adventuring. He needed a shelf for his (not) broken projector and a cable for his xbox. I needed an excuse to avoid my homework. We decided to also try dinner at a place where you eat with your hands!! We ended up going to radio shack, the fabric store, axman, goodwill, menards, and pizza luce (not the original intended place of eating). We purchased: candy, airsoft guns, amazing posters, fabric for curtains, a couch, a coffee table, a shelf, a fan, a level, pizza, salad, and a brownie sundae. So... I now have an airsoft gun, a couch and a coffee table in my room. Also, I have an awesome poster of a man singing or yelling or something in my dining room. Perhaps I'll post pictures later.

After late night movies, I headed home at about 4am. I found that Mat and Tara were still up and wanted to go to Al's Breakfast. 6am corned beef hash. 7am bed. Ouch.

Saturday turned out to be equally enjoyable. During the day, Tara painted me up like a whore. That night, we had some chill blacklight fun in the basement and watched Howl's Moving Castle. Oh yeah, and I shot Tara in the neck with the airsoft gun and had to buy pizza pizza....

Sunday was Flight of the Conchords. In their amazingly short concert, they managed to make the obnoxious girl behind me laugh like a hyena. Overall: Amazing.

Upon coming home from FOTC, I realized I had again squandered my entire weekend. Lack of sleep and lack of productivity threw me into a funk. One more week of classes... One week of finals.... Everything due and done the 14th and 15th.

If I'm lucky, I'll be able to get my stuff done in the next 10 days. Don't look for me online or in video games. Hopefully I also won't go out and buy couches and airsoft guns. Glad I got that out of my system.... I'd so go do it again.

Friday, May 1, 2009

An Unfinished Poem found on my Laptop

I never finished this. I like it though.

I make the drive home.
Trying to pay attention to the road,
to the music on the radio.
Dismissing the ache behind my eyes,
the emptiness in my heart,
the tingling urgency in my body.

I arrive ahead of schedule.
The dimly lit room reeks of cancer and piss.
My strong stable grandfather
Sits slumped in an old creaky wheel chair
with his bloated arm on a pillow.
His mouth mindlessly hangs open.
His eyes half shut and staring nowhere in particular.
I say hello and he says my name.
He knows me. He is happy to see me.
He gives me that little hello wink
I have grown accustomed to over the years.
He knows who I am and knows the relationship we have.
I smile at him.

His blank stare indicates his mind has again wondered somewhere.
In to the past,
into unconsciousness?
His mumblings sometimes indicate where he is.
He told us to make sure that taxi driver gets out of there.
We say yes and make no motion to fix anything.
He doesn't know where he is anymore.
He asks my mother where *she* is staying.
She tells him she's staying at home.
And he responds with a simple oh
and returns to his wide mouthed, droopy eyed stare into oblivion.
Something bothers him and he fidgits with his blankets
with the pillow under his arm,
with the rag in front of him.
He asks my mother what the button attached to his smock is for.
He doesn't know where he is.

I know where I am.
I'm at the nursing home where his mother,
my great-grandmother, lived the last years of her life
after Alzheimers at 80.
Ten years later, she died in this very nursing home.
Eight years later, we are back again.
The nurse says she knows my mothers face.
She explains.
Uncomfortable eyes shift to the floor,
and we are shushed to the hallway.
They must put my grandpa to bed
and change his cancer-soaked dressings.
The room again fills with the odor.

Once in bed,
my grandfather immediately falls asleep.
It is one of those wide-mouthed snoring sleeps.
He mumbles and twitches, but is essentially asleep.
His face bears the grimace of pain,
I pray he feels nothing.
He shouldn't have pain.
He's lived 78 full years.
He has spent the last 10 years golfing
enjoying himself to the fullest.
Who would think that what he loved most in life,
spending time outdoors with friends on the golf course,
would be his demise.
The sunshine...
The cancer...

Lemon Demon - Ode to Crayola

As I sit here in my bathrobe, in my sleep deprived state... this song popped in my head. So I share it with you, the non-existent reader! Vid isn't official, but it's pretty cute.

Outrageous Orange, Laser Lemon, and Jungle Green.
That's what I said.
Wild Watermelon, Midnight Blue, Atomic Tangerine...
Radical Red, Sky Blue, and Shamrock too,
and Gold so true it glows.
I love the Razmatazz, and Purple Pizazz,
and Razzle Dazzle Rose.

Every color's like an old friend.
Hot Magenta is a godsend.

I took the factory tour.
It really opened the door, and I at once became transfixed.
I know they're pieces of wax,
but I can never relax without my box of 96.

Crayola, Crayola's all that I know.
The colors, delicious, making a rainbow.
Crayola, I love you so.

I love them so much, every shade, every gorgeous hue.
It's no surprise
they're taking over everything that I say and do.
I'm gonna rise at dawn with no clothes on,
and color on my skin.
Colors of life and love from Heaven above,
absolve me of my sin.

I would wear them like a nightgown,
but they're getting kinda worn down.

I took the factory tour.
It really opened the door, and I at once became transfixed.
I know they're pieces of wax,
but I can never relax without my box of 96.

I love you Vivid Violet.
I love you Robin's Egg Blue.
I love you Screamin' Green,
and Purple Mountain's Majesty too.
I really love my babies
I really love my babies
I love my crayons and I love the way they taste

Crayola, Crayola's all that I know.
The colors, delicious, making a rainbow.
Crayola, I love you so.