Friday, August 31, 2012

Credit Card Crud

I have a credit card.  It has a modest limit.  It is tied to my main checking account.

It has grown fat and tired.  It has been over used.  It's too easy to buy things when you don't have to pay for them right away.

My credit card expires today.  I don't intend to activate my new card.  I'm not going to use it.  I'm not going to tie it to every goddamned online store and use it willy nilly.

I've made a couple of purchases online today.  Cards Against Humanity - Second Expansion, and another pair of slightly larger (and super onsale) Vibram 5 Finger running shoes.

Hopefully, putting things on my debit card (with a limited supply of money!) will help me to not buy things as much.  I've been doing better, but not as well as I had hoped.  Gencon kinda screwed up my savings plans.... and I haven't even paid Moose back yet.


Let's see how this goes...

Monday, August 27, 2012


So, I was told at the allergy doctor that I am allergic to tomatoes.  Generally, a tomato allergy is a nightshade allergy.  Generally, this type of allergy causes joint pain, inflammation, and/or stomach discomfort.  I've been valiantly avoiding tomatoes since I got the results, but apparently I should also be avoiding:
  • eggplant
  • potatoes
  • bell peppers
  • spicy peppers
  • cayenne
  • paprika
  • pimentos
  • tomatillos
I haven't had bell peppers or anything for a while, but I have been eating potatoes and bell peppers and spicy things rather heavily.  I can't really be sure if these things are affecting me or not, but it probably can't hurt to cut them out for a while as well.  I know I had a really bad reaction to a meal a while ago that involved a baked potato, possibly undercooked. I should really be avoiding potatoes all together.

Not sure I can live without potato chips - might have to eat lots of pork rinds again.