Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Abraham Lincoln Religion Quote

Saw this on quotes of the day. Love it.

When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion.
        Abraham Lincoln, (attributed)
        16th president of US (1809 - 1865)


The Fiery Furnaces - Birdie Brain

The Fiery Furnaces are one of those bands my dad introduced me to. They are a band he discovered on his never-ending quest to find something similar to Captain Beefheart in uniqueness and oddity. I love the way their voices blend together.

I hate the steam train that whistles woozy my bird brain
That sends my spaniel insane

And I'll stop riding sidesaddle if they don't stop the clickity clattle
I'll jump in the undertow penguin paddle and drown in my wedding gown

I've been told the Bronx River stream on moonlit nights is meant
To seem like the Rhone in a glacier icy dream but then in a poof t's sulfur steam

I hate the aeroplane that nearly misses my birdie brain
That terrifies my terrier insane

And I'll stop riding sidesaddle if they don't stop the clickity clattle
I'll jump in the undertow penguin paddle and drown in my wedding gown

I was drinking by the Des Plaines River when the naught of night
Served for making me shiver and me the squirrels would hold hands
And quiver cause that damnable diesel never fails to deliver

I hate the livery cars that have my bird brain seeing stars
That drive my Doberman to drink in bars

And I'll stop riding side saddle if they don't stop the clickity clattle
I'll jump in the undertow penguin paddle and drown in my wedding gown

I hate the steam train that whistles woozy my bird brain
That sends my spaniel insane

And I'll stop riding side saddle if they don't stop the clickity clattle
I'll jump in the undertow penguin paddle and drown in my dressing gown

Friday, January 21, 2011

Good morning, Minnesota


Sunday, January 16, 2011


From Reddit:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Am The Walrus - Pert Near Sandstone featuring Ryan Young

I can't seem to embed the player here, so I'll post a link to this amazing song instead! MN Beatle Project volume 2 has a great cover of I Am The Walrus.

MN Beatle Project via MPR/The Current

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Brain dump for New Year's Resolutions.

Now, I'm not usually the type to make resolutions, but I feel that setting some goals for myself will be advantageous. They're not going to be big and hopefully they'll be obtainable.

1. Exercise at least 3 days a week for at least 30 minutes. I need to start exercising more. I've intended to start exercising in the morning before work for several months now. I just can't seem to pull myself out of bed early enough. Hopefully I can find time 3 days a week.

2. Eat healthier. More vegetables, less sweets/pop. With my stomach problems over the past 2 years, I've tended to eat lots of sweets. "This ice cream will make my stomach feel better" is a bad approach to food consumption. Also, with full time employment, I haven't always found the time to eat healthy meals.

3. Find more hobbies. I feel stuck in a rut. I always talk about all of the hobbies I have had in the past. Over the last few years, I haven't made time for any hobbies. I'd like to start painting again, maybe go skiing a few times this winter, and look into joining some sort of musical ensemble or at least try to make music on my own.

4. Learn new things outside of work. Now that I am no longer a student, I don't have new knowledge poured into me constantly. I need to start seeking this in places other than my job. Perhaps picking up interesting books from the library or store every month would be a reasonable goal. These would be topics related to my job or my hobbies.

5. Empty my closets. I have too much crap. Time to get rid of the things I never use. This includes clothes, video games, computer parts, and hobby gear.

6. Make time to do things with my family. Now that I'm not living with my family, I need to make time to do things with them. Especially with my mother moving soon, I need to make sure I spend as much time with her as I can when she is only 2 hours away instead of several. Also, my sister is done with school now and I'm not sure how long she'll be in Minneapolis/Minnesota. They're all I have left. I need to make sure they are a part of my life.

7. Complain less. I find myself complaining a lot, and it bugs me. I'm sure it also bugs the people around me. This includes "I'm hungry," "My *insert body part here* hurts," "Oh yeah? Well I have it worse than you...," and "I'm tired."