Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Job n Stuff

I've been rather busy the last few days, but I've got a few minutes so I figured I'd write a little bit about my new job.

On Monday I started work as an intern for a company that designs, builds, and manufactures rapid prototyping machines. These machines are essentially ink jet printers that instead of giving you a 2D picture on paper give you a 3D plastic model. Pretty interesting stuff. They brought me on this summer after experiencing layoffs in February and needing more help with projects. In my first two days, I've received a whirlwind tour of the facilities and an overview of the technology. I'm still a little confused, but as I get more in depth with my work, hopefully things will become more clear.

The worst part about my job is the commute. I hate driving in the metropolitan area, and I generally avoid traveling at rush hour at all costs. The freeways are packed, the cars are occupied solely by the driver, people are on cell phones... I hate it. Unfortunately, I must drive what is normally a 25 minute drive every morning and every evening. I believe it is approximately 40 miles round trip. On my first day (Monday), I left early. The traffic wasn't terrible... but it was bad enough to cause me to slam on my brakes, giving the ambulance traveling behind me the opportunity to see if it liked how my bumper tasted. It gave it a lick, but found the paint unappealing. After assuring the ambulance driver that I was indeed okay, I made it to work. I also faced rush hour on the way home from work as well, needing to leave at precisely 5pm. One thing they never tell you is that "Minnesota Nice" does not apply when driving and when given the opportunity, drivers are asses. Highway 62E has a stretch of one-lane traffic due to road construction. Miles leading up to this juncture are slow going, sometimes crawling more slowly than my speedometer cares to register. Upon reaching the bottleneck, traffic moves freely at a normal 40-60mph. If everyone obeyed the merge signs properly and cordially, perhaps it would not be as much of a hold up.

Anyway, I'm done ranting. I've got to get to work!


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