Thursday, October 27, 2011

Help! Everyone is playing WoW again!



Everyone is playing WoW again!

Ah, World of Warcraft. You were a pretty good addiction back in 2006. I still think you played a big part in dissolving the relationship between me and my then boyfriend (as he was much more addicted than I was). I haven't touched you in over 2 years. That was the last time my new LAN friends played you seriously. I paid for the expansion, moved my character, and played for about a month before everyone gave up again. This time, it seems like your charms have drawn everyone back and they are much more serious about it. The "GAME CHANGING" expansion, Cataclysm came out almost a year ago, yet it's only NOW that they have decided to play. Why? Why can't people get away? You are THE poster child for online gaming. THE game to beat, even after over 7 years. I can't get away.

Do I want to play again? I don't know. Am I going to play again? Yes. Do I care enough to continue to play? I don't know. Do I hope we don't continue to play? Yes.

I'll give you a report once my scroll of resurrection wears off and I'm faced with burning more money in the money pit.

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